Tuesday, 27 July 2010


I went to bed with my right knee twice the size of my left knee last night, and on recollection the handle bars whacked my knee as the bike fell. I woke this morning unable to put any weight on my right leg, which made stairs hard work. After breakfast we made a start just before mid day, intending to ride a route we'd been recommended. After an hour of riding around the narrow traffic filled but very clean streets of Andorra trying to find the start of the route the sat nav was put away and we headed out of Andorra to Catalunya, and the N260. After a coke and some water at a cafe on the road (Coke is the same in any language, water can take some time to order!) we hit the N260 to Sort, from Adrall. As we turned off the road at adrall my sat nav (working again, don't know why, don't trust it any more) said 'continue 28 miles', luckily the Neuofen had kicked in by now and I could use my rear brake. I followed Rod to sort, using him to save me having to read the road. No chance for anyone to fall asleep here, 28 miles of twisties, some with sheer drops of the side of the mountain. We stopped in Sort for a coffee and a few minutes later Jason arrived. On the way back we stopped several times at the various view points along the road to take photos.

Back at the hotel we viewed footage of the camera mounted on the front of Jason's bike, which had some good footage, while mine, which I'd not had time to mount and had clipped to my pocket had 30 minutes of looking at my fuel tank and sat nav.

We ate in a bar a couple of doors along from the hotel, and all elected to have an early night. I think I'm going to need a couple of weeks on a beech somewhere to recover from this holiday!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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