Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Andorra or bust (Andorra and bust!)

The day stared off with a €3.9O toll to go over the Millau viaduct, and an ETA for Andorra of just before 3 in the afternoon.

Before we crossed we went to the viewing area, were as the youngest and fittest I walked up the hill from the car park to the viewing area and take pictures.

We rode across the viaduct and soon turned off onto some nice twistie roads with medieval hill top towns to view as we were riding.

Not long after leaving the viaduct the clouds came down around us, making much more than 35mph impossible and seriously hampering progress, and meaning another stop to fit clear visors. As soon as we were sorted and could see again the weather cleared up!

We stopped in a small town called mashhfder for lunch, as Rod was falling asleep again. Lunch was served by a very young girl, where Jason caused confusion by ordering breakfast tea (but not Earl Grey) which they'd never heard of anyway.

Once back on the road it was soon time to stop for photos of the scenery, followed by some really good twisties. I turned my heated grips on (south of France in July??) to dry my soaked summer gloves out and warm my girlie hands.

As we were running again and soon in need of fuel, the sat nav taking us down some very small narrow road to a closed petrol station, so we hit a main road and found another petrol station in the wrong direction. We were disoriented by this time and decided to head for Foix and from there to Andorra. We had a great ride from here, only to be out done by a local in a 20 year old 5 series BMW diesel, who must've been taking mind altering drugs, overtaking on blind hairpin bends, and frequently carving up other drivers as he tried to get out of the way of oncoming drivers. We kept up with his pace but without the death wish overtakes. The ride into Andorra was great with great views and twistie mountain roads.

Then we came Ertz... While waiting at a set of traffic lights Jason managed to drop his bike, nearly skittling Rod in the process. Being the Gent I am I got of my bike to help him, making a school boy error and forgetting to leave my bike in gear as it was facing down hill, meaning it rolled of it's side stand and mine to was lying on it's side on the road, luckily the luggage took the brunt of the fall, a broken left front indicator and minor scuff on the alternator cover the only other damage to the bike. I've also sustained damaged to my right knee, not sure if it was hit by the falling bike or if I stained it picking the bike up, but don't think I'll be running anywhere for a while!

We arrived at out hotel just before 9 O'clock. Spectacular view up to the mountains are in all directions, some still with snow on them.

We dined at the restaurant next to the hotel, Restaurant 360 degrees a three course meal and small beer for €11.50, and a free cocktail on payment of the bill, which we drank on the freezing cold patio next to the river.

Off to bed now, hoping I can still walk in the morning!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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