Friday, 30 July 2010

We cheated today and went up the mountains in a cable car.

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You expect me to blog???

After 11 hours on a bike?

You want me to tell you about the views over the mountains, the french customs, the bloke dropping his bike in Prades and the hour long roller coaster of the N260?

Maybe tomorrow, I'm shattered, goodnight!
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Thursday, 29 July 2010

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Off we go then, just me and Jason today, Rod having decided to sit it out and play with his pictures and technology. We headed of with a surprisingly early start for us, through the murderous traffic filled streets of Andorra through customs and out into Spain. I followed Jason along a beautiful road with a huge lake on our left. On a quick bit of road we missed our turning towards Barcelona and carried on and found another road, through dry, barron, desert like scenery, with some nice bends with straights good enough for 240+kms. We used motorway for the final leg into Barcelona, and parked up by the harbour with a fine view of the Mediterranean. Next we went in search of La Sagrada Famillia, which unfortunately was covered in scaffold. We sat down for some lunch, unfortunately it was tourist priced, or may have been revenge for Jason breaking his glass.

We left for home through the nightmare traffic and off onto the motorway. The hills outside Barcelona were on fire, with smoke billowing across the motorway, a plane and a fleet of helicopters ferrying water from a nearby lake and dropping it on the flames. After miles of motorway we came past a beautiful green lake, I missed a spot to pull in which meant Jason missed a great photo opportunity. We carried on into a tunnel which must've been 5kms long, and icy cold. At the end I offered to pay the toll for both bikes to speed things up, I was a little surprised to be asked for €18 and thought I was being handed a fine for overtaking in the S0S lane, I wasn't, no wonder then there weren't may cars on the road, I dread to think what it would cost!

This road lead out onto the N260, which in this part although not as mad as the road to Sort the surface was new and there were some good sweeping bends.

Back at the hotel Jason informed me you shouldn't over take on solid white lines, I always thought they meant only bikes could overtake...

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Hot and sweaty but here, sat nav packed up again!

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Tuesday, 27 July 2010


I went to bed with my right knee twice the size of my left knee last night, and on recollection the handle bars whacked my knee as the bike fell. I woke this morning unable to put any weight on my right leg, which made stairs hard work. After breakfast we made a start just before mid day, intending to ride a route we'd been recommended. After an hour of riding around the narrow traffic filled but very clean streets of Andorra trying to find the start of the route the sat nav was put away and we headed out of Andorra to Catalunya, and the N260. After a coke and some water at a cafe on the road (Coke is the same in any language, water can take some time to order!) we hit the N260 to Sort, from Adrall. As we turned off the road at adrall my sat nav (working again, don't know why, don't trust it any more) said 'continue 28 miles', luckily the Neuofen had kicked in by now and I could use my rear brake. I followed Rod to sort, using him to save me having to read the road. No chance for anyone to fall asleep here, 28 miles of twisties, some with sheer drops of the side of the mountain. We stopped in Sort for a coffee and a few minutes later Jason arrived. On the way back we stopped several times at the various view points along the road to take photos.

Back at the hotel we viewed footage of the camera mounted on the front of Jason's bike, which had some good footage, while mine, which I'd not had time to mount and had clipped to my pocket had 30 minutes of looking at my fuel tank and sat nav.

We ate in a bar a couple of doors along from the hotel, and all elected to have an early night. I think I'm going to need a couple of weeks on a beech somewhere to recover from this holiday!
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Rod, the N260 and surrounding mountains

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The N260 and surrounding mountains.

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A glass of Coke and a bottle of water before we tackle the N260 from Adrall to Sort in Catalunya

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Andorra or bust (Andorra and bust!)

The day stared off with a €3.9O toll to go over the Millau viaduct, and an ETA for Andorra of just before 3 in the afternoon.

Before we crossed we went to the viewing area, were as the youngest and fittest I walked up the hill from the car park to the viewing area and take pictures.

We rode across the viaduct and soon turned off onto some nice twistie roads with medieval hill top towns to view as we were riding.

Not long after leaving the viaduct the clouds came down around us, making much more than 35mph impossible and seriously hampering progress, and meaning another stop to fit clear visors. As soon as we were sorted and could see again the weather cleared up!

We stopped in a small town called mashhfder for lunch, as Rod was falling asleep again. Lunch was served by a very young girl, where Jason caused confusion by ordering breakfast tea (but not Earl Grey) which they'd never heard of anyway.

Once back on the road it was soon time to stop for photos of the scenery, followed by some really good twisties. I turned my heated grips on (south of France in July??) to dry my soaked summer gloves out and warm my girlie hands.

As we were running again and soon in need of fuel, the sat nav taking us down some very small narrow road to a closed petrol station, so we hit a main road and found another petrol station in the wrong direction. We were disoriented by this time and decided to head for Foix and from there to Andorra. We had a great ride from here, only to be out done by a local in a 20 year old 5 series BMW diesel, who must've been taking mind altering drugs, overtaking on blind hairpin bends, and frequently carving up other drivers as he tried to get out of the way of oncoming drivers. We kept up with his pace but without the death wish overtakes. The ride into Andorra was great with great views and twistie mountain roads.

Then we came Ertz... While waiting at a set of traffic lights Jason managed to drop his bike, nearly skittling Rod in the process. Being the Gent I am I got of my bike to help him, making a school boy error and forgetting to leave my bike in gear as it was facing down hill, meaning it rolled of it's side stand and mine to was lying on it's side on the road, luckily the luggage took the brunt of the fall, a broken left front indicator and minor scuff on the alternator cover the only other damage to the bike. I've also sustained damaged to my right knee, not sure if it was hit by the falling bike or if I stained it picking the bike up, but don't think I'll be running anywhere for a while!

We arrived at out hotel just before 9 O'clock. Spectacular view up to the mountains are in all directions, some still with snow on them.

We dined at the restaurant next to the hotel, Restaurant 360 degrees a three course meal and small beer for €11.50, and a free cocktail on payment of the bill, which we drank on the freezing cold patio next to the river.

Off to bed now, hoping I can still walk in the morning!
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Sunday, 25 July 2010

We woke just after 8am, and were soon on the road by just after 11...

Firing up our remaining navigation device it gave us an ETA for hotel du bowling in Millau of 17:30ish, and a 250 mile ride. Easy you'd think, but this is Eurotour. I joked that we could easily turn this into 20:30ish, I didn't know how close to the truth I was.

We set off along some narrow county lanes at a fine pace, with harvested fields and fields of sunflowers. After an hour of this we decided that we were just using up time getting no where and headed for the old national roads, and do it with maps the old fashioned way. We entered Montlucon in the sat nav to get us there as we were in the middle of no where so we could pick up the old N144 to Clermont Ferrand and head to Millau on the old N9. We rode for a while until Rod started feeling tired and stopped to as we were low on fuel and needed to ask the sat nav where fuel was in a south easterly direction.

Recharged and refuled we found some great twisties on the old N144 where I got my boots on the floor on several occasions, just a practice for things to come in the next few days.

After this and thinking we were miles ahead of Jason who had got of the ferry at Caen at 7:00 we decided to stop for a MacDonald's to make him jealous. This was a bad move neither of us was really hungry and as soon as we started off again Rod started falling asleep, pulling out to pass cars and not accelerating. We pulled over for a break and once rested headed for the neared bar for coke/coffee and water. Now refreshed we headed out the A75 motorway, the best bit of motorway I've ever ridden, fast flowing bends that went on for miles.

Looking forward to having a few beers before Jason made it to the hotel we stopped for fuel about 20 miles from Millau, where Jason who had over taken us jumped out on us from behind the petrol pumps.

We finally made it to the hotel just before 20:00...

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Full moon at hotel du bowling Millau

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You there yet turn ur phone on i need directions !

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Saturday, 24 July 2010

Things you would never hear said on a Eurotour:

"We've made such good progress why don't we don't we pull over and have a rest?

It's been a long day, with sat navs causing us both numerous problems Rod's taking us green laneing,(see photo in previous post) while mine was showing the road as if I was in a field a couple of miles away. Back to maps tomorrow!

We arrived at the Lion D'Or just after 21:00 having covered nearly 400 miles, some on unpaved roads gravel and cobbled. Sadly Christophe the drunken cowboy was not in bar for us , but we ordered a couple of Grand beers anyway.

Apparently we could've made our booked train if the check in machine hadn't swallowed Rod's card as punishment after he rammed it into the slot, which would've made us an hour or so earlier, instead we had to wait for a later train.
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When Rod said he picked small roads, I had no idea just how small!

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Rod puffing away frantically, I've been frantically trying to remember how to convert my speedometer from miles per hour to Kilimanjaros.
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No surprises, arriving at Rod's for an 8AM departure and he's not dressed or packed! He's been up most of the night sorting out maps for his sat nav.
Only an hour leaving, and as is tradition we've missed the train so are waiting for the next, Rod did come back from the states a day early to prepare for this trip

On a good note Rod's forks seem to be holding up, unless he forgot to put oil in them!
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Pre holiday beer

Ok, I've been to the pub, I'm on holiday so what!
It's been a frustrating week in terms of technology, I bought a camera that took me hours to get working, but the maps that I spent hours copying from google earth on my laptop to mapsource on my desktop will not load to my sat nav without deleting each other! Arggggg! On top of that Rod has just rung to say I'd cocked one up anyway!
Unfortunately Gladys can no longer join us on the trip.
Anyway, I'm off to bed, all the best bike rides start with a hangover and Rod being late, check in for the train closes at 9:50 tomorrow, something tells me we'll be late!
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Monday, 5 July 2010

The Dream Team

Well that's me on the left. Hopefully I won't be needing my fisherman's jumper on this trip. It's going to be great to use my fluent French again.

Next to me and representing the townies is Glen, AKA Gladys. Very experienced Euro tourist, although mainly on motorways. Has been known to go around corners on his brake discs when taking to the twisties, becoming known as sparky for his troubles.

Next is Rod. If you want to go from A to B ask Rod. He always comes up with a good ride and something to see along the way. Could be a little tired as he is off to Shovel fest in the US of A tomorrow (12 July) and returns to Blighty about 20 hours before we're due on the train for France.

On the right is Jason. I'm slightly concerned as it seems every vehicle Jason has ever owned he has either written off or blown up.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Hopefully this will teach Grandad to stop pulling wheelies!

Another disaster, I'm told I'm told I've broken Rod's bike, I did 10 miles on it yesterday and now one of the fork seals is throwing oil everywhere. I'm sure he'd like to blame Jon or Elaine, but neither of them have been anywhere near it!
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Thursday, 1 July 2010

Good news today, cheaper calls and data when abroad, makes bloging cheaper!
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